Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Baby {E} (Moab Newborn Photographer)

So fun to shoot baby {E} and his family. That vintage stroller? Amazing! And nothing beats holding a week old newborn. They are the sweetest things on earth. And his older brother? That kid is stinkin' cute! He's lucky to have such a beautiful, adoring family! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

my garden princess

Made this from flowers in the garden. She told me it was her crown and wore it till they drooped and sagged in the hot sun. She hardly noticed. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Johnson Family {Moab Utah family Photographer}

 I love Moab. I love the people in Moab. I especially love these people in Moab. The Johnson's moved here the month we did over five years ago. We've explored, worked side-by-side and watched our families grow. Here's to hoping our red rock adventures don't end when they pack up and head to greener (literally) pastures. 


Monday, August 12, 2013

Hatch Family {Moab Family Photographer}

 I got to shoot my brother's family while at the beach in North Carolina. They are an awesome couple and really good parents. They met and fell in love on the east coast (and got engaged on this very beach), had their three children and plenty of adventures. Since this shoot, they've packed up for a completely different change of scenery. I'm so glad I got to capture their family on the coast while they still called it home. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sorenson Family {Moab Utah family photographer}

I hate to see good families leave Moab. And this is a good family. We're definitely going to miss them here in red rock country, but thank goodness we got to squeeze in a shoot before they left! Now they can look at their wall and hopefully it will motivate them to plan some trips down south (*wink wink). 