Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Baby {C} & Family

 I love this family and I'm pretty sure this little boy is the luckiest. The girls were so easy to photograph with him-- they were so excited about their new baby brother. And can I say that I absolutely LOVE photographing big families? Because I do. ;)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Earth Day: a tribute to nature in 2013

Morning run through Lost Canyon, Canyonlands
Claret Cup cactus
Sunrise over the North Six Shooter
Racoon tracks in the clay along the Colorado River
Prickly Pear on a misty morning

North Six Shooter in a sea of clouds- taken from the summit of the South Six Shooter

Sunrise after a summer monsoon, Canyonlands
Basil in the garden
an untouched mesa in Canyonlands
La Sal Mountains, Mt. Peele cirque

Doesn't get any fresher: from the bush to breakfast in 3 minutes. 

Salt Creek pour-off in a flash flood
Fall in Indian Creek
Morning walk after a fall rainstorm 
White on red is such a stunning contrast; Indian Creek
Squaw Butte at snowy sunset

 I am not a landscape photographer, but I love the landscape. My entire life I have enjoyed watching the changing seasons, the sunrises and sunsets and what a small seed can do when planted. So, here's to Mother Nature and *some* of what I was privilege to witness in 2013. I love my little red rock corner of the earth and feel so lucky to wake up every day to the wide open sky and sprawling desert.